Monday, January 29, 2007

Am I reckless?

Tonight, I was chasing Colby, my 2-year old son, around the house. He loves it when his mother or I run after him, as if we were trying to catch him. He laughs and giggles and seems like he's having the time of his life.
Sometimes, though, he gets too carried away. Rather than paying attention to where he's going - he runs straight ahead while looking behind him, checking to see how close we are.
Well, tonight he ran right into the front door. He's a tough didn't really do any damage - just a red mark on his cheek. After a quick hug, he was on his way again.
Being 2, Colby is just now really entering into his 'reckless' stage. If something is risky or dangerous, that's where I'll usually find him.
I recall a time during my teenage years, when I did something rather reckless. I had my parents car out for a night on the town, while another friend had his parents car. On a local highway, we were seeing who could go the fastest...Now, a Dodge 600 can only go so fast - so it's not like we were zipping along at great speeds....but the truly reckless part of the story was that I would occassionally turn off the headlights so that I would not be seen by my friend, and perhaps gain an advantage over him. It's amazing that many of us are still alive, considering the things that we've done. Hopefully, Colby won't follow in that particular footstep.
Recklessness, such as in my story, is just plain dumb. However there is a time for being reckless - at least in the sense of throwing caution to the wind. Jesus Christ was almost always going to the people and places that no one else really wanted to. Whether it was talking to and touching the 'unclean' leper; or going through Samaria to talk to the woman at the well; or caring about the 'tramp' who was caught in adultery; or even facing the dreaded cross - He did it so that people could have hope and experience transformation and life change through a relationship with God.
Today, people still find themselves in dark, troublesome places. Jesus would go to them. He would reach out to them. He would get to know them. He would love them. Jesus said that we are to follow Him, even to the dark places. This is where recklessness comes in. We in the church, so often find it much easier to do what is comfortable and easy and convenient for us...when if we were honest, we would notice that Jesus is 'out there' connecting with those in the darkness.
Am I reckless? Do I follow Jesus? Do I throw caution to the wind and say it's not about me, but it's all about Him? Whatever it takes!?!
The great thing about the church is that we are the hands and feet and voice of Jesus in the world today. Like the moon reflects the light of the sun, we are to reflect the light of the Son (Jesus) to a world that He cares for very much. At the end of the day, the only way to see darkness change is to bring light into the room. Jesus is there. Are we following?
Let me know what you think.

"Send Revival, Start with me."

Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Kirk said...

First things first. If you have long posts like this in the future I won't be reading them. I don't care if you tell me somewhere in the middle about how I can make a million dollars every day just by collecting dryer lint. Other than that welcome to the blog world. If you really are consistant I'll link you from my page and then your traffic will go up by at least 2 hts a year. Brace yourself I just may do it. Go Leafs!!