Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Rockin' Robin

As much as I enjoy a large stowstorm (when I don't have to travel), I truly love the perks that come with spring - warmer weather; flowers, new life (green grass, tree buds), and being able to go for walks without having to bundle up. And as summer gets closer, it only gets better for me.
A sure sign that spring has arrived is when you begin to notice the robins. As I look out my office window, I see several of them hopping around the yard. I remember a time back in kindergarten when our teacher told us that if we took a shaker of salt and ran after the robins that were gathered in our play area, we could catch one and make it our pet if we got close enough to throw the salt on its tail. I certainly can recall running around the yard many times with a salt shaker trying to do just that. But I have to tell you, I never got close enough to actually sprinkle the salt on any bird. So, in theory, I'll never know whether or not what she was telling us was true or not. (Though, as an adult, I certainly can reason that it was simply a way to keep our young minds and bodies busy).
We, who share the Christian worldview, will be celebrating Easter (Christ's death and resurrection) this coming weekend. Many others (neighbours, friends, family) will only be celebrating a holiday. Then there will be those who ignore Easter altogether.
For most, outside the Christian faith, there is a struggle to buy into the resurrection component of Christ's story. It seems quite outlandish (ie: a childish fairytale) to believe that anyone can come back to life once truly dead. Our adult and scientific minds don't allow for that sort of thing to happen.
However, if it could be done, then it only stands to reason that God Himself could do it - if in fact He is the giver and taker of life. Most people in Canada (75+%) suggest that they believe in God, though less than 25% attend church on any sort of regular basis. There is a disconnect there - especially if we feel that God wants to have a personal relationship with us. In fact, that's what Easter is all about - Jesus providing a way for mankind to bridge the gap that keeps us from knowing God.
Like I did as a child, when I bought into the notion of catching robins with salt - we too, must use simple faith when considering the great sacrifice of Christ on the cross and His subsequent resurrection. Some will say that they are one in the same - foolishness...but because of my experience with God in the past and the present - no one can ever convince me that Jesus is not the risen Lord and forgiver of my sin.
This blog is not designed to 'convince' anyone of the facts - simply to say that in order to buy into this age-old story - we must begin with a first step. Child-like faith that says, 'ok God, I'll trust You...now help me to know it.'
In Luke 24, we read of where the angels asked the women at the empty tomb, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead?" Perhaps too many of us are doing the same. We expect that Christ is dead, and so we look for His bones and tomb. Instead, reach out to Him - seek Him - and see if He is not real. Let Him prove Himself. Have a blessed Easter. Let me know what you think.

"Send Revival. Start with Me"

Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your story as always was excellent!
I am thankful that you take the time to prepare a "Blog"..

I too love to see the robins come.. and wait anxiously to see the first one, as to me it is a sign from God, that spring is coming... and then summer. I esp. like to hear the peepers, (frogs), I love to leave the window open at night just to hear their sounds.. I , as always, am in awe at what God has created for me to hear and see... how He detailed every creature in such a way.. that our simple minds can only imagine "how did He do that"?

Thanks for sharing..