Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Man's Best Friend. That would definitely be the tag that I'd have used to describe my relationship with my dog, Sheba - a purebred Siberian husky, with icy blue eyes.
Unfortunately, I had to put her to sleep on Saturday, after nearly 13 years of friendship. She was just about 15 years old, when arthritis in her hips got the best of her. Putting her to sleep was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do - even though it was in her best interest. She was a good dog; a faithful dog and a wonderful companion.
If you've never gotten close to a dog (or any animal), then I can imagine that one would find it difficult to relate to how close a bond can be formed. But believe me, a pet can become like a member of the family.
Over the last couple of days, I've been reflecting on my time with her and the word that comes to my mind is that of loyalty. I'm sure that many people can say that about their dog - but to me, she was the poster-dog for that word.
Never once did she bite anyone, let alone me. She remained when others left. She was excited when I was around; and sad when I wasn't (so I'm told). She loved others, especially children. She had a wonderful disposition - never getting nasty or angry, even when Colby would haul on her or pull her fur. Oh sure, she had a few faults, but they hardly seem relevant now.
Perhaps, we can all learn a lesson from her life - a dog's life:
-Never bite anyone: Christians are to by-pass the urge to attack others, aren't we? -> whether it be verbally, thru gossip or any other form.
-Stay true to others, especially other Christians: Don't abandon people (no matter their faults), but look for those that need to be encouraged.
-Be interested in others: If our thoughts are only on ourselves, we miss out on fellowship, unity and the strength found in those who are interested in you.
-Love others: Don't reason it out, but like Sheba, just do it.
-Be kind: People will pull your fur - how we react shows how willing we are to allow Christ to transform us.
Thanks for the memories, Sheba.

"Send Revival, Start with Me".

Pastor Ken

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